The Joy Problem
The Joy Problem is a Bible study for individual encouragement or for study in small groups. This three part series is sure to challenge your understanding of joy. This study will provide three crucial, biblical elements to help you better understand and experience joy. As usual, this Bible study resource is entirely free. If it has been a blessing to you, please consider donating; all your donations help support Dusty's family and help him continue to produce more life-changing content.
The Spiritual Life
This study seeks to identify, and explain, the 3 foundational elements to the spiritual life in Christ. It will walk you through the depths of what it means to "Wait upon the Lord," "Walk in the Spirit," and "Be Filled with the Holy Spirit." When you combine the proper understanding with the appropriate practice of these three elements, you will not only discover the foundation of the Christian experience, but you will experience greater joys in your relationship with the Lord.
Militant Thankfulness
It happened, one day, in an attic.
While Dustin (known to his friends as "Dusty") was removing a rat from a client's home, he would receive a phone call that would change his life. It was a simple question from a friend. A question so profound it would cause him to completely forget about the dead rat he was holding.
It would be the answer to that question that would eventually produce the book Militant Thankfulness: An Essential Practice to Experiencing a Full Spiritual Life.
Click below to discover more about this life-changing book and the story behind it.
While Dustin (known to his friends as "Dusty") was removing a rat from a client's home, he would receive a phone call that would change his life. It was a simple question from a friend. A question so profound it would cause him to completely forget about the dead rat he was holding.
It would be the answer to that question that would eventually produce the book Militant Thankfulness: An Essential Practice to Experiencing a Full Spiritual Life.
Click below to discover more about this life-changing book and the story behind it.
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Getting Started:
The Basics of Christian Life and Practice
In "Getting Started," Dusty will not only walk you through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, worship, study, and meditation. He will offer step-by-step instructions for how you can enhance and enrich your relationship with God through these 5, joy-filled practices. This five-part lesson is great for new believers, or for anyone looking to better enjoy, and access, their relationship with God. As usual, this Bible study resource is entirely free. If it has been a blessing to you, please consider donating; all your donations help support Dusty's family and help him continue to produce more life-changing content.
Demanding DNA - Your New Identity in Christ
This Bible study is more than positive affirmations and professions about the believer's identity in Christ. This is a deep dive study, where we seek at ask 2 of the most significant questions that can be asked of the Bible's many identity statements. As we look at at our new identity as righteous, anointed, beloved, disciple, and worshiper, we will answer the questions of "what does our new identity say about God," and "what does our new identity demand of us?" This is sure to challenge your thinking on your new identity in Christ Jesus.
Considerations on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Like many pneumatological concepts, the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" is an extremely divisive topic. But it may, however, be one of the most missiologically important concepts to the Christian life. This being the case, I want to give you a concise list of considerations for your personal studies on this life-giving topic.